
The Blue Dustbin Congregation And Other News


Merry Christmas, folks!

This morning I woke up later than usual and as I looked out of the window, I saw a most delightful sight!

Daffodil, Rosie and Timmy were congregating around the blue dustbin! It looked as though Timmy had invited them over for tea. But Ginger wasn’t at the party.

I rushed down to get my camera. This was a priceless shot.

Now, I know why Ginger wasn’t at the party. He was busy congregating with my brood, still not giving up in wanting to be friends. Tabs and Cow were all fluffed up, ready to defend the fort. Tiger was there too, but Tiger just wants to make friends.

By the time I got upstairs with my camera, I had missed the priceless shot, but you can still see Timmy on the shoulder of the road (bottom right corner of the photo).

Daffodil and Rosie had come into my porch. I guess they heard me coming downstairs, so it’s time for their second breakfast.

Ginger joined them, but Daffodil feels safer to be out of the patio.

And what about me? You did not invite me?

Here, Timmy ol’ boy…this is yours.

But Timmy is very cautious, so he kept running away.

Finally, the only place he felt safe was under the car and Daffodil went under the car with him.

Rosie is not too happy with the presence of Timmy.

Timmy could not eat in peace.

As he was stalked by Rosie…

My conclusion here is that cats become alpha as they gain more confidence, but I stand corrected.

Timmy soon came back and meowed for more food.

I can’t even eat in peace! What kind of restaurant is this? What kind of service do you provide here!! Where is the manager?? I demand to see the manager? Where’s the complaint form?

Oh my goodness…Timmy can REALLY talk!!

This was a bit too much for Ginger to bear, so he gave chase.

Finally, after much intermediary efforts, Timmy managed to get a decent meal under the car.

Still, Rosie wasn’t too happy.

The patio is mine! Nobody comes here except my family…and Mr G, of course. He’s my good friend.

Meanwhile, inside….

The box is mine!! The box is mine!!!

Hail to the new King of the Clan!!
The throne is MINE, all mine!

And no, Bunny did NOT attack Indy for taking the box.

I believe this is an indication that the “take over” is well underway.

The old guard must make way for new blood…I believe that’s the democratic way?

Have yourself a merry little Christmas, folks!!

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/12/25/the-blue-dustbin-congregation-and-other-news/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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