Tales About Cat Tails...
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TALES ABOUT CAT TAILS!… Did you now bobtail cats in Thailand are considered good luck? Meet two adorable 4 month old kittens – Caligo & Checca. They were dumped at the Soi Dog Gate 3 months ago & are now ready for adoption. Learn the hist
ory of the bobtail cat in Thailand & meet two adorable kittens looking for forever homes.
Soi Cats are available for adoption locally & abroad. Very easy to send to USA, Canada, Europe & UK. For adoption enquiries please email cindy@soidog.org
http://youtu.be/afKi83-Valg Many cats in Thailand have unusual tails. There are tales about how they got their tails. Meet 2 Thai Tailed cats & here the stories behind their tails…
Source: http://youtu.be/afKi83-Valg
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