Happy Honks As Man Saves Ducklings From Road
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So many of us have encountered an animal trying to cross the road in traffic and its often a dangerous situation for the rescuer, particularly if theres ahot-headnearby. But when a Pennsylvania man jumped out of his car to help a family of ducks cross the road alive, he learned that for everydriver impatiently hollering out the window, there are a dozen others who are lending their support. Enjoy!
I turned around and saw the ducklings huddled at the side of the road unable to leap over the rather high curbside, although they were trying to do so with a sense of urgency now that Mom wasnt right in front of them. The mother had made the leap and was marching back and forth, quacking away. Slowly, with time running out and worried about the light changing, I stepped up and began lifting the ducklings by ones and twos until I had them all by their mothers side, out of danger. Telling them sternly to look both ways before entering a roadway, I retreated to my car and the light changed. We proceeded away. The woman and her kids gave me an appreciative wave and cheer and several other motorists honked in approval (Im sure).
Id do it again 11 out of 10 times. So turns the karmic wheel. I would not have been able to sleep nights of I didnt do what I could to help those poor creatures in their hour of need.
Recently, a certain rescuer had been communicating with me. He does very good rescue work, but I noticed that he hinges on the negative. Every communication from him is a complaint. Complaints about the councils, complaints about people who disagree with what he is doing, complaints that things “should” be the way he wants it to be, etc. It’s been one complaint after another, non-stop.
I think we all can learn a thing or two from this story (above) where the man saved the ducklings despite the disapproval from the “impatient hot-heads”.
In life, very often, we cannot be free from blame. For every good deed that we do, there are bound to be those who will disagree and give us a hard time. If we are lucky, we may get some appreciative waves and cheers. If not, it is wise to be prepared for zero support.
And life would be much easier if we just do the right thing, smile, be happy and let the “hot-heads” be.
As Margaret Mead said:Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
Sometimes, it only takes one. Just one.
Sound advice!
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/12/11/happy-honks-as-man-saves-ducklings-from-road/
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