I've had quite a few cases of young people who have read my books, and then, talked to their parents about adopting street animals....and after some persuasion, it worked!
Alex is (hopefully) another such success story.
She rescued Ginger, a street cat with mange and we are currently sponsoring the medical treatment for Ginger.
Alex wrote yesterday morning:
Hello Dr Chan,
Ginger's fever had subsided in the morning, and the vet also said that she seems to be at a good temperature. But she is having a flu and sneezing constantly, as well as a tongue ulcer after further inspection. (might explain why she doesn't really want to eat) He prescribed some meds to boost Ginger's immune system as well as a can of A/D Hills petfood, to add to her current diet to encourage her to eat. I paid for those, so no worries. :) He did not charge me for the consultation.
However, the vet explained to me other complications that Ginger might have, being a stray, and further examination may be needed. I want to perform a blood test for Ginger, to determine what other underlying conditions that she may have. I know a blood test is a bit pricey, but I am willing to pay for it. Of course, if Animal Care could subsidized a little it would be much appreciated.
(Yes, we can subsidise, Alex.)
The vet also told me that Ginger should not be let out to become a stray again, in which I totally agree, and would like to adopt her for myself. My mom seems to not be so hateful of Ginger anymore, probably because Ginger is not naughty. So I'm going to talk with her about adopting Ginger later tonight. Wish me luck!!
(And we were praying hard....)
After a few hours....
Hello Dr Chan,
Mom says I can keep Ginger! YAY!! ^^ She was planning on how to give her a permanent home too. But because my mom babysits a pair of sisters, and the elder sister (7 yrs old) has asthma, AND their mother has a baby coming soon, which most probably going to be babysit-ed by my mom too, Ginger is still not really allowed in the house. Ginger seems content just sitting and sleeping in the carrier all day though, and doesn't really leave the porch, so there's that. :)
I plan to bring Ginger in next Tuesday for her next mange shot and blood test, because I'm not sure if Healing Rooms is open on Monday or not. (since Sunday is labor day) Should I call and make appointment with Healing Rooms or should you? :O
Thanks!! Alex
Another mom "converted", another street animal gets taken off the streets to dwell permanently in a loving home.
If you can only save ONE animal all your life, you may not have changed the world, but you would have made a world of difference to that ONE animal and that's a wonderful thing to do!
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