
Vaccination And Spaying Subsidy For Mommy Cat (Wong Yoke Meis)


We have subsidised RM100 for the spaying and RM20 for the vaccination of Mommy Cat.

Dear Kah Yein,

This mommy cat is a neighbourhood cat that i am trying to gain the
trust and spay her once vaccinated. I have been feeding her for the
past month or so. I tried on Saturday to catch her, but then i ended
with a wounded pride and many battlescars. On Sunday morning
(11.11.12), i tried again and manage to get her in the cage. I have
already sent her for vaccination and made the appointment for spaying
on the 21st Nov tentatively. That’s provided i am able to catch her
again on the night before to fast her. Wish me luck! I would like
to apply the subsidy for the vaccination/deworming and the up and
coming spaying.


Hi there Kah Yein,

I have sent Mommy cat to the vet for neutering last Monday. So far so good, she is pretty quiet the first 2 days when she got back from the vet. I was a bit worried when she did not show much interest in food on the first day following the surgery. Probably she was very unhappy being confined in a cage. She must be saying to me “I hate you for putting me in a cage!”. She does not move much, and that’s good for her recovery. By the 4th day, she started to loosen up a bit and craving for chin scratches and ear scratches. Got to indulge her in that for being a good girl…..Now she’s more relaxed and even slept with tummy showing upwards. I guess that’s a sign that she’s accepting her environment by now. I always tell her that the confinement will be over soon…only another week or so to go, so hang on Mommy. From now on, she would not have to worry about being chased around by tom cats wanting to mate with her and giving births repeatedly for the rest of her life.
Thank you for helping me out with the vaccination and the neutering costs. Mommy says thank you too…..All the scratches, blue blacks and puncture wounds are all worth it at the end of the day…. .
p/s: a day after the initial scratches (tic-tac-toe scratches), the blue black began to show up and people were asking me was i being beaten up or what?
Ever grateful for your help,
Yoke Mei


Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/11/24/vaccination-and-spaying-subsidy-for-mommy-cat-wong-yoke-meis/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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