
Photo Updates Of Max With Sunshine And Hopie!


If, by any chance, you’ve had a bad day, these photos are guaranteed to put a smile on your face!

Happy photo updates from Lydia:

 Max’s 3rd acupuncture session. It’s FOC from Dr Susanna – thank you, Dr!

Always relaxed at acupuncture.

 We’re getting better each time!

Let’s work those back muscles (with friend, Beijing, previously paralysed, from FFF).

 All in a day’s work.

 My pal, Beijing.

 Fun in the sun!

 After swim, with gentle giant friend.

 Just out of pool.

 Vet checking hind legs.

 Good news – slight improvement. But can do better.

 Pals with Sunshine.

 Keeping up with Sunshine!

I’m almost as fast!!

Or, faster?

From Lydia:

We have really been enjoying having Max with us. He’s got such a happy disposition that he really lights up the day and amuses us all with his play time. He’s always curious and follows me around and almost looks like he’s taking mental notes. Having Max with us has also been good for Hopie, our second paralysed rescued dog whom we took care of and has since fully recovered and we adopted her awhile back. Hopie has not been well and the vets ave not been able to come up with a clear diagnosis and despite sending her blood sample overseas too, we still do not know what is not going right for her. Before Max came to stay, Hopie was quiet and getting quite weak. Now with Max’s company I caught her playing with the toys, flinging them around with Max!! Max is often by Hopie’s side as her companion and he often falls asleep next to her when he’s out of his playpen. Needless to say his constant invitations to play irritate Hopie but better yet also encourages her to stay interactive.
Sunshine is still with us and is healthy and strong and you wouldn’t be able to tell her apart from any other dog. She does whatever it is that the 4paws do and needs no special attention except for the daily kiss exchange. She keeps Max company when he is outdoors. They’ve all settled in well with my pack too. We are so very proud of Sunshine and how far she has come. Often when we watch her, we feel she is almost the smartest dog we have had with us. It is so rewarding with her as she’s very attentive and interactive. We are not impatient for her to leave us as I feel that the complete responsibility of taking in a rescue dog is to make sure they have a better life than what they had before and for me, that means to find her a forever home that suits both canine and human family.

 Max with Hopie.

I’m staying close to Hopie.

Maybe Hopie needs some kisses? Cheer up, Hopie. Max is here…

 Together in dreamland.

And are you smiling?

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/11/23/photo-updates-of-max-with-sunshine-and-hopie/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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