Joanne (Horsey's rescuer) brought two puppies from the colony at the factory site where she works to our panel vet for a check-up today.
According to the vet, both Panda and Ice-Cream (that's their names) are still too young to be spayed, so, they were vaccinated and dewormed.
They would be ready for spaying, probably next month.
Having their meal at the factory.
Panda at the vet's today.
Previously, we did not have enough funds to cover vaccinations, but now (thanks to the sale of the tshirts and all your support!), we have implemented a RM10 subsidy for vaccination and deworming.
This RM10 subsidy only covers vaccinations in the first year. There is increasing literature now that suggests annual vaccinations are not necessary and could be detrimental to the animals' wellbeing, though many vets might not quite agree. This argument is still being debated.
We will sponsor in full, Panda and Ice-Cream's spaying when they are of age.