Updates On 9th Nov 2012
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THE STORY OF BONNIE, the Water monitor lizard:
“There she was just a walking down the street, singing,
Doo ah deedee deedee dum deedee doo.”
A resident came out of his house and exclaimed,
“I’ve been watchin’ you!
Ah Lala lala long, Ah lala lala long long lee long long long.”
The crowd identified her “Udumbu!!!!!” (monitor lizard in ‘tamil’)
to which she replied,
“That’s not my name!
That’s not my name!”
Alright supporters! We know you are creative, so we will leave you to complete the story – only with song lyrics please!
The 1.6m metre long water monitor was tied to a tree by the residents until help arrived. All of the residents from the street were supportive of helping her, and felt bad for tying her up. Bonnie is back in the wild – “to the rhythm of the night”….
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151142838991523&set=a.223077136522.136042.22159071522&type=1&relevant_count=1
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