Mighty Max Lightyears Diagnosis (from Lydia)
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From Lydia:
Hi Kah Yein,
From today’s vet visit we have a definitive diagnosis on Max’s condition- he has two types of barbesiosis (tick fever), babesia canis and babesia gibsoni. This is the cause oftheanemia and enlarged spleen. We have already started him on antibiotics and hopefully he responds well because the next treatment option, if he does not improve is not a good option as it has side effects and being a puppyit will haveeven more potenteffects.
I’m glad we have go to the bottom of this as I could not stop worryingabout theswelling in his abdomen area which I could feel. When I took him for his first vaccination three weeks ago my vet suggested an xray as did Dr Susanna. Last weekwhen I soughtDr Prem’s opinion, he immediately said it was an enlarged spleen and set us on the right path to dealing with this.
In discussion with the vet we are also running a full blood screen to check out his liver and kidneys and we are waiting for the results in a day or two. This is because I’ve been concerned about his bladder and maybe kidneys as he has been peeing and drinking quite excessively. This afternoon after I got back from work, in the one and a half hours beforeI took him to the clinic, Max peed 8 times. It was easy for me to keep track of it as he was indoors. His pee is still quite concentrated since the day he came to us.
Thankfully we did not have to give Max a blood transfusion today as his PCV is 17 today. We hope this continues to improve as it must be his immune system kicking in too.
Connie met us at the clinic with her dog Austin who came ready to help a fellow canine pal in need. Even though it was not confirmed that Max would need a transfusion today, Connie as so kind to come to the clinic to stand by as the traffic and weather would have been really daunting in the evening when Max’s test was scheduled and would have possibly delayed the required treatment.
Overall Max Lightyear is cheerful and eating well!! There is every reason that he will continue to improve.
Another blood test? Er…how many more?
This is my new friend, Austin. Austin came all the way to save me.
Thank you, Austin.
We’re both waiting here to see if I need Austin’s blood.
Well, I did not. Yay! Thank you, Austin and Aunty Connie.
We thank Connie and Austin for coming all the way to be on standby for Max. On the way home, Austin vomited in the car. Poor Austin and poor Connie, too.
Max’s treatment and tests for both days is RM168.70 and this is fully sponsored from our Medical Fund, Panda N Gang, Martin Lui, Faizati Md Ali, Loh Yoke Khoon and Jeannie Teo.
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/11/06/mighty-max-lightyears-diagnosis-from-lydia/
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