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Wednesday, 11th May 2011, by AnimalCare

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After two years of doing all that we can in extending our help to stray animals and their rescuers, it is now time for us to say Goodbye and move on...

In these two years, we have been privileged to help a total of 987 animals in the areas of sponsoring free spay-neuter, subsidised medical treatment and publicising animals for adoption through the blog. We have also raised funds for needy rescuers, done some food donations and even dabbled a little in some "rescue" (that's just taking dogs out of the pounds, hardly qualifies as "rescue"!) during the first year.

It has been a valuable learning curve for all our volunteers and myself. We would like to thank all our supporters and well-wishers for giving their undying support and encouragement to us throughout these two years. We are truly grateful.

However, nothing is permanent, so it is time now for AnimalCare to bid you Farewell.......

(I don't like to keep you in suspense....)

In its place, we now offer you....

AnimalCare Society!!

As of 6th May 2011, we are now an official Society, registered under the Registrar of Societies, Malaysia (Registration No 2277-11-SEL).

For registration purposes, our official (Malay) name is Persatuan Penyayang Haiwan Petaling, Selangor (sorry it's so long, but we had no choice - those are their rules!) and the English name is "AnimalCare Society Petaling, Selangor". For all intents and purposes, we still function as "AnimalCare".

The purpose of registering is so that we now exist as a Society, and I am assisted by a committee in the decision-making and running of AnimalCare.

As a Society now, we are bound by our constitution and as such, we will concentrate solely on assisting in spay-neuter and medical treatment for stray animals and of course, to do the education component in cultivating compassion to animals. This way, we play a complementary role to the other animal welfare groups such as the existing shelters and the bigger groups that do rescue work and offer other forms of help.

We will next apply for a Society bank account, so once that is in place, please channel all donations to that account (to be announced later, but please be patient - it is a very LONG process, I was told). Surprisingly the process of registering AnimalCare as a Society took less than 2 weeks! It is that simple these days. But the bank account will be a longer process.

Everything else remains the same - our mission, our function and our "soul".

The heart of AnimalCare has always been in the love, support and efforts of all its volunteers, supporters and well-wishers. AnimalCare (Society) will continue in exactly the same way.

If you wish to help us in our work, please do come forward and volunteer. As a charity, dependent totally on donations and the sale of our tshirts, we cannot afford to pay you for your services, but if you'd like to volunteer generously, we appreciate it very much.

Let us continue to serve and help the animals with a generous heart.

No Goodbyes (not yet), but Hello, AnimalCare Society...!!

Let's work together for the animals!

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