
Urgent: 6-7 Puppies Need Help (Ron & Carol Khoos)


Updates at 1.51pm: From Carol:We got Koo and Rose to help and managed to get the remaining 4 puppies, on top of the the 2 i earlier caught. All 6 puppies available for adoption ! We thank Koo, Rose and Carol for all their efforts, Martin, for his kind offer and everyone else who has helped in one way or another. Thank you, everyone!

Just finished bathing them 1 round (very dirty) and will send pics over shortly

Updates at 12.45pm: Koo texted to say they managed to catch all the pups but not the mum.

Updates at 11.42am: I contacted Koo first thing this morning and he was busy with another rescue. Now, Koo is on the way to help Carol. We thank Koo very much for responding.

From Carol:

Update 1056am
Went to Bukit Kiara
We managed to rescue 2 puppies, one black-with brown features (male) and one black (not sure, could be female or male)We have them now at home in a box together.
The others we saw – beige puppy and white with dots could not be reached as they are hiding under a 1 metre height platform inside, and I could not catch them. the mother dog is there but not vicious. Just ran away from us.
Koo just called and we are heading to Bukit Kiara soon to try for the rest.
Here are some pics:

Updates at 9.40am
– PAWS is able to provide shelter for the whole family. But we need help to catch the mother-dog and puppies. If you are able to help, please contact Carol at her email below. If you know of any rescuer, please help to ask if he or she is able to help. Thank you!

The original post:

Ron and Carol Khoo spotted these puppies in Bukit Kiara and managed to rescue and adopt 1 (now named TT). The rest of the puppies need to be evacuated fast. Please help if you can and please forward this link. Thank you very much.

From:RC Khoo<roncarolK@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: Hi Dr Chan – Appreciate your help to Blog re ‘Bukit Kiara puppies’?
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Hi Dr Chan

As per our earlier correspondences, would really appreciate if you can Blog for help for the Remaining 6- 7 puppies? Thank you very much!
Dear everyone
It’s been raining cats and DOGS recently!
This is an Appeal for Rescuers or Adopters or Fosterers etc for 6-7 Bukit Kiara puppies….!
THE STORY OF “TT” , the unlucky trapped puppy (or lucky now?)
Last Friday, my husband & I were having lunch at Bukit Kiara’s clubhouse when we were told of a wild/from jungle nearby Puppy caught in 1 of the Cage/Trap(s) set by the D*KL, who were called to catch them due Complaints from various parties. When we saw howthe unfortunate 3 month old Beige puppy (was miserable & wet) was trapped & due to be ‘collected’ by D*KL the next day….we could not leave him there knowing full well it would likely be a Death Sentence. Was worried that he was ‘wild’ but……. luckily, that in less than 2 days, this cute puppy “TT” (taken away by us to our house) is now adapted well, friendly, able to be bathed/held/nails cut/handfed (by us) etc & checked out as healthy by our vet….and BEST of all, accepted by our existing unsociable/unfriendly adults dogs. So, lucky “TT” will get to stay with us as a Forever home!
There are 6-7 remaining puppies hiding under Bukit Kiara’s clubhouse which aredue to be caught (physically) by D*KL tomorrow (Sat 3 Nov 2012) or if able to delay them ….at next day or visit/complaint, as the Cage/Traps has not been successful so far since “TT” got caught (*smart puppies*!). I worry however they will poisoned, or ‘lassoed/pulled/manhandled’ if a D*KL puppy hunt does happen…..Sigh!
- WE ONLY HAVE VERY LITTLE TIME before D*KL returns to catch them, so time is of essence!
Please see pictures of the Puppies hiding(sorry pics are blur….Not much light underneath & this was taken on phone camera)
& to convince you that the puppies are Worth your time———>-please see “TT’s” pictures (from in D*KL trap/cage) + progress in less than 1 week from rescue.
PLEASE…..PLEASE DOEMAILUS at———–> roncarolK@gmail.com……….if you are interested to Adopt or Foster or even Let loose the puppies temporarily in your area/land/compound…..and we can discuss
- for each Puppy adopted or fostered, I will make a MYR donation in your name & ‘puppy’ to MYANIMALCARE’s funds, in appreciation for your kindness!.
Best Wishes to you all!
Ron and Carol Khoo (plsemail us @roncarolK@gmail.com)
When TT was trapped.

TT, rescued.
TT, now adopted in her forever home.
Lucky TT.
The not so lucky ones below – TT’s siblings and mother.
They need help.

Please help, if you can.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/11/03/urgent-6-7-puppies-needs-help-ron-carol-khoos/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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