Updates On 26th Oct 2012
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Fur is one cruel fashion statement we can do without. Yet even in sunny Singapore we see fur on sale, mainly in the form of fur trims on clothing, boots and bags, or winter clothing. It also finds its way onto keychains, hairbands, trinkets and pet toys.
ACRES is supporting a new campaign by the Change for Animals Foundation, who are hoping to end the sale of fur in Singapore.
Find out how you can help make Singapore fur-free here: http://www.acres.org.sg/campaigns/current/sgfurfree.html
Photo: Rabbit on fur farm. Courtesy of The Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade.
Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151120737571523&set=a.223077136522.136042.22159071522&type=1&relevant_count=1
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