
Rescue Case ???? - Opek



??????: http://www.hopejb.org/v2/content/hope-sponsorship-programme
ATM ??? Maybank??: 5012-0808-5710
Paypal ??: irisleong3268@yahoo.com

Dear big brothers and big sisters,
Im Opek (black & white in Hokkien), just winded around from the gate of death last month. Aunty Jiajia had rescued me and a few of my fellow friends who suffered the pity luck as I do from the local council dog catchers car. At the time, our bodies are crawled with lots of fleas. However, our lives are finally saved… Unfortunately, Aunty Jiajia discovered that I had very serious dog flea problem on last two weeks. After emergency blood transfusion, my condition seems better. But my body having ostracization to the blood. Two days ago, my condition had become worsening, I was being sent to the vet clinic emergencily over the night. That was 10pm in the night, vet clinic had closed. But due to my emergence, doctor had rushed back to do the second blood transfusion for me. Thus, there would be some additional charges on the medical fees. Added up with the fist treatments charges, total medical fee is around RM2,000. I sincerely hope all big brothers and big sisters can help to chip in for my medical expenses. Thank you.

You may make donations through various methods as below:
Secured online donation: http://www.hopejb.org/v2/content/make-donationsMonthly
Sponsorship Programme: http://www.hopejb.org/v2/content/hope-sponsorship-programme
ATM Bank-in to MAYBANK Account: 5012-0808-5710
Paypal Account: irisleong3268@yahoo.com

 25/10/2012 :

??2????, Opek ??????????, ?????, opek ????????????2?????, Opek???????????????, ????????????! ??????????????, ???????????, ??????????, Opek ???????, ?????????!
Opek ??, ?????????Opek ??????. ????Opek ???, ????????, ??????Opek ?

Opek, ??????????, ????????, ?????????????, ???. Opek

After 2 days of emergency treatments to snatch Opek from the jaw of death, Opek was still unable to defeat the call from the king of terror. Opek had left us
Opek was only able to stopover to this cruel world with 2 months only life time. Since the day of born, Opek had no choice but to suffer cold and hungers hard day by day. Additionally, this poor baby dog had to face the threaten of dog catcher. Thinking that after run away from the evils hand of dog catcher, Opek will be able to start his peaceful and stomach filled days. But the king of terror didnt spare him. Opek had still left us, left his fellow siblings
Even though Opek had left us, we still have to bear the cost of his medical expenses. We sincerely hope all of you who are dote and pity on Opeks befall would still help us to chip in for Opeks medical espenses.
Opek, may you run free on the rainbow bridge. Be a happy little angel at the kingdom without pain and sorrow. You will always in our heart, we will miss you always Rest in peace lil one, Opek :(

Source: http://hopesjb.blogspot.com/2012/10/rescue-case-opek.html



HOPE Johor

Homeless & Orphan Pets Exist (H.O.P.E.) is a non-profit organization and no-kill shelter that aims to improve welfare of strays and abandoned pets around Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Our four core missions are rescuing, re-homing, sterilization and increasing public awareness of pet ownership and responsibilities. Currently, we are caring for approximately 700 abandoned animals in our shelter located at Lima Kedai.

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