Alex wrote to update me on Ginger and also to send Ginger's latest photos....
Updates on Ginger! She is doing fine and well, her diarrhea had not totally gone away yet, but it had been improving gradually. It did went away last week for a couple of days, then it returned mysteriously, although in smaller amounts. I am feeding her steamed chicken breast still, 4 times a day. Hopefully it will improve gradually over the next week and I can start giving her kibbles again. I think this is happening because I stupidly overfed her the first few weeks, and a large variety of different foods too in an effort to get her to eat. Will be keeping a consistent diet for her from now on. :)
As for her fur, I had been brushing it everyday to get it to smooth out again, and also snipping off her matted hair gradually. (she doesn't stay still!!) And now, my work is done! I think it's best you see for yourself, pictures are worth a thousand words. The first picture is right after her final jab, and the other 3 pictures are taken today, 2 weeks later. :) She just got a thorough shower this afternoon!
Thank you again! Alex
I'm loss for words too, so let's all just give Alex and Ginger a big e-hug for a job well done!!
As our vet had always said to me, the vet can only do 30% and medication 30%, the rest of it comes from the caregiver. Throw in lots of tender loving care and keep your faith in the universal "goodness", that's when miracles can happen, sometimes!
Atta girls, Alex and Ginger!!
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