
A Heartwarming Tale Of A Cat Adopting Her Human Family (Melanie Tongs)


Here is something very nice to share. It’s from Melanie Tong, someone who chanced upon our blog:

Hi Kah Yein,

A 7-month-old, female cat just adopted my family. We are new at caring for cats. I was given your contact so I could ask about shots, deworming, neutering and diet. And where we can go to for help. I’d really appreciate it.
I just saw your page. You have a heart of gold. May you be blessed many fold in return!
Isn’t that nice? So I replied and sent Melanie our links on caring for animals and what to do when an animal is first adopted. Since the cat is already 7 months old, spaying would be top on the “to do” list. Deworm and spay, if certified healthy by the vet. Vaccination can come later.
Melanie explains:

Fluff actually belonged to my opposite neighbour. While they were away in Mecca, Fluff started coming over for cuddles from my kids. She came over more and more until she practically stayed. We fed her cow’s milk (now I know is a no-no) and food from our table cos she didn’t like the dry cat food we got her.

When my neighbour returned and I spoke to her about time-sharing her cat. Found out Fluff’s mom is a Persian. And that another cat she has has turned territorial and swipes out at Fluff when she comes around. So she said she’d be happy to let us have Fluff full time as she’s happier with us.She told us Fluff was born 3 March this year and that she hasn’t been dewormed, vaccinated or neutered.
My 8-year-old daughter Noelle and my 10-year-old son Marcus were the ones who persuaded us to keep Fluff.
So now she’s getting cat food from the tin. And first thing my daughter’s done when she became officially ours was to get her a collar with a bell. I think Fluff hates it – lol!
Anyway, Fluff comes and goes as she pleases so I really wouldn’t know if she’s pregnant at time of spaying! First thing’s first, get her dewormed, right?
Wish us – and Fluff – luck!
I alerted Melanie about the risks of putting collars on cat, so now, she will get the detachable ones.
Here are some photos:


How it all started…

Awww….Noelle and Fluff.

Cats learn too…

Yups, cats want to learn too.

Me and my favourite people.

My sofa.

Hey mister, that’s my sofa, please.

We wish Melanie, Noelle and Marcus all the best in caring for Fluff and happy times ahead!

An update:

The neighbour called today and insisted on taking Fluff to the vet for us tomorrow morning. She sees that I’m at work half the day and ferrying the kids around the second half. I was planning to go this Saturday but she was adamant about doing it for us. She also insisted on halving the bill.
And before this, we hardly even talked to each other. Guess animals unite people, huh? If not for Fluff, I would never have known what nice neighbours we have.
Once again, thank you very much!

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/10/17/a-heartwarming-tale-of-a-cat-adopting-her-human-family-melanie-tongs/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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