Two weeks back, my colleague and I rescued a group of kittens and mummy cat for treatment, mainly for eye infection, high fever, flu, fleas, tummy parasites and vaccination. Thank to god that they are not only has revovered but as the days passed, they also gain some weight :)
Currently I'm the key contact person and consistently visit them with a wet food as a gift to them. Out of 5 kittens, three of them has been sucessfully adopted to new home last week (please see the attached picture). As we all are waiting for mummy cat's milk to dry and spay in this week, if everything works well, kittens will make their way to new home even before mummy cat recovered from wound operation. If it is not, they will release back to Bangsar (the place we found them earlier) alltogether.
I couldn't upload any videos here, but can find in or, links and the following.