
Greetings From Outside!


This morning, after feeding the inside clan, I opened my front door, and found some friends waiting…

 Rosie and Bosco were outside the gate while Raven was inside.

I was so relieved to see Raven as she went missing last night during and after the heavy rain. Maybe she went home?

 Today’s menu is home-cooked food and kibbles.

Bosco and Rosie made a dive for the food and before I could even take a photo, Rosie had finished her share.

Imagine that, my inside clan is fed-up of my cooked food (sobs!) and prefers canned food. Am glad at least someone likes my food…. After all, it’s good stuff and fit for humans. I use either kampung chicken or antibiotic-residue free chicken and organic french beans, carrot, pumpkin, celery and kelp.

 When Raven came, she also made a dive for the home-cooked, ignoring the kibbles. Sweet Rosie stood aside to let the younger kitten have her share. Then, Ginger arrived but the home-cooked was almost finished by then.

 You see how nice Rosie is?

 Aww…everyone is polite and courteous, letting the small one get the best. Don’t you just love ‘em?

Suddenly, a car drove pass and quick as a flash, Ginger and Rosie took cover inside the drain.

Is is clear yet? 

I’m glad they are street-wise and know how to protect themselves. Unlike my previous house, there shouldn’t be fast cars in this area as the it’s a low density housing area. Still, it’s good to know how to protect oneself.

 Slurp, slurp, slurp….

Bosco and Raven were oblivious to the car.

This is Rosie’s favourite pose by the drain. She is always here. One wonders why such a lovely cat has no home…

 And me, me, me? What about me??

After everyone had eaten, I went back inside the house and…

A protest had taken place!!

 And finally…the meek had a feast with the left-overs!

 I’d gladly stay in the flower pot if you’d allow me to be here…

I’ll be good and all, just tell me what you want me to do. 

I missed the shot of Bosco inside the flower pot! It was so cute!! It looks like he is quite determined to stay in our porch. My husband prefers him to be outside because he says it’s not fair to our inside clan to know that a cat is having a free run all over our house while they are confined. True…but look at that face…can you resist it? I wouldn’t mind if Bosco just stayed in the porch or outside the house, but every opportunity he gets, he jumps inside and lounges in the living room. And my inside clan protests in the strongest terms!

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/10/12/greetings-from-outside/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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