
WHERE Do All These Cats Come From??


First, it was Mr G. Then, came Rosie, Ginger and Snow White. Next, it was Bosco and tonight, we have another visitor…

A small one too.

I was out at Bunny’s Clubhouse talking to my friend about fostering a dog when Bunny went to the sidegate and meowed in a strange way. It was definitely meowing at an animal and I craned my neck to see what it was. I couldn’t see a thing, yet I kept hearing a youngish sounding meow.

Who is making that noise?

Is it Bunny?

I thought it was a shrew and Bunny was meowing at it, but soon, the little creature appear and….

It was a jet black kitten!

How on earth did a small kitten get to my sidegate?

It was so small, it could probably squeeze through the bars of my sidegate.

I quickly went out and brought some kitten food for it.

The little black kitten ate hungrily…

It is still very young, probably about 3-4 months (I’m not very good at estimating age).

It’s got mange or some skin problem in patches on its head, ears and certainly parts of the body. Some hair loss too.

But it is very friendly.

There’s Bunny looking from the sidegate.


Soon, Ginger came and wanted the food.

They shared.

Then, Bosco came and all three shared the food.

And Bosco came into the house again…

WHO goes there??

My clan isn’t happy at all…

WHERE are all these cats coming from???

And why the sudden migration to our house?

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/10/09/where-do-all-these-cats-come-from/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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