
Human Dishonesty Is Also Infinite!


They say that the Universe is infinite, but Albert Einstein disagreed and said human stupidity is infinite. I’d say something else is infinite too – human dishonesty.

We will never even guess how the human criminal mind works….when it comes to ways and means to cheat.

Some months back, I highlighted a case where an applicant had claimed for 14 cases from us, but prior to that, she had also claimed from two other organisations which unfortunately, paid out but did not take her receipts. That is how she could claim from us again. So, it was a case of a triple-claim.


Also, this applicant had answered “No” to the question on our form which asks “Are you also applying to other organisations for this case?” When asked why she answered “No” when she had already claimed from two other organisations, she said she had “made a mistake”. On all 14 forms?

We have since barred her from claiming from our funds.

We also had a similar case where an applicant had not only made multiple claims but these claims were made on behalf of so-called “illiterate non-IT-savvy” old folks. That was the time when we allowed third party claims (we were none the wiser, not knowing how the criminal mind works). This person said she was helping an old couple get the strays treated, but since the old couple had no money and could not pay, she had already paid the bills so now, she was claiming for these cases. Yes, there were receipts and photographs too.

I remember she also requested that her name not be published in our blogposts, but I said the name is mandatory. Every recipient’s full name will be published.

I remember asking for the contact of this “old couple” because I wanted to verify her story but she said they had no contact. She got defensive and said I didn’t have to contact the old couple as the bill had already been paid by her (the applicant). I also could not pay into the old couple’s account either because she had paid the bills, not the old couple, or at least, that was how the story went.

Blindly (then), we trusted her and paid out the claims. After all, there were receipts and there were photos. Our requirements were met.

(On hindsight, I should have insisted on banking the money into the “old couple”s account. Then, let her settle with the “old couple” after that.)

By some chance, the “old couple” contacted me, spoke with me today and revealed what this “rescuer” had done.

The beans have been spilled now….

There is actually no “old couple”. It was just an IT-illiterate person. I figured this applicant goes for IT-illiterate people because these people will never access the internet. Hence, they will never know.

But as they say, “You can run, but you cannot hide”. Sooner or later….you will be exposed.

Here’s her modus operandi:

This “rescuer” goes to these non-IT-savvy caregivers and tells them she will get the needed funds to help them. She gets the unsuspecting donors in and the donors give money, either to her or straight to the caregivers. Then, she (as the go-between or the “agent”) asks for the receipts from the caregivers since the money has already been given. Of course, the grateful caregivers pass the receipts to her.

This “rescuer” then takes these receipts and claims from organisations like ours. Yes, she takes photos of the dogs too, so technically, she fulfils our requirements – she produces the receipts and the photos. Her story is even partially true – she has settled the bill for the old couple, only it was not her money, but that of the donors she brought in.

We pay out the claim and this money does not go back to the donors, it goes to her!

Making money out of using the animals, the unsuspecting donors, the IT-illiterate caregivers and organisations like ours! That’s five counts of crime, isn’t it?

Apparently, I counter-checked this story and it’s true. She is now running up another scheme. I do not have enough information about this scheme yet, but when I do, I will post it so that we can all be careful of such people. She is also operating under a pseudonym now.

Facebookers, be on the alert, please. Do not allow yourself to fall prey to dishonest schemes. Always check and double-check the integrity and track record of people or groups before parting with your hard-earned and heart-given money.

Indeed, the criminal mind is infinite. Infinitely ignorant, if I may add, because the Universe is fair and what goes around, comes around.

So, to all organisations and kind samaritans out there….please be aware and be careful when people ask for donations. Always take the original receipts from them.

As an organisation, we no longer allow third party claims now. For the IT-illiterate, please get someone to email the photos and fill up the form, but we pay directly into the claimant’s bank account. We will do everything possible to prevent fraud and dishonesty, as far as we can. At least our conscience is clear on this.

For all claims, please ensure that the receipt is in your name and the bank account is also in your name.

And to all the infinitely dishonest folks out there – you can cheat others, but you cannot cheat yourself. May you sleep well at night for the rest of your days.

Dishonesty = Stupidity, because what goes around, comes around.

So, Albert Einstein was right, after all!

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/10/09/human-dishonesty-is-also-infinite/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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