Updates from Joanne on Amber Horsey, Baby, IceCream and Panda:
I visited Amber Horsey again yesterday, n this time she immediately recognised me, din growl like last time b4 she realised it was me. She was excited n kept licking my face, she is so good frens with Lydia's tripod, Seven.
If we still cant get any other adopters in 2-3 wks, I will take her to my colleague's relative house. Lydia has so many dogs/cats to take care of, and she has done so much for Amber Horsey.
Meanwhile, Baby had healed completely fr her spaying despite she escaped fr the temporary cage behind the factory. On the 5th morning after her spaying, the cage door was open n a wooden stick was inside the cage. I guess some1 was trying to hit her. The same thing happened to Ice Cream n Panda the night before I wanted to take them to Klang's adoption drive after asking Mandy to help to put them in. I bathed them n cleaned their ears, put tick lotion n by evening I kept them in the cage to keep them clean. But the next day they were nowhere to be found, the cage door was opened. I couldnt get Ice Cream n Panda that very day n din go to the adoption drive. They were hiding since some1 were messing with them the night I put them in. But on the following day, they were there in the factory when I go to work.Will contact u again when they r ready for 2nd vaccination n their spaying.
Thanks so much. Joanne
The reality of life is that it takes all kinds to make the world.
There are those who want to help the animals and those who are bent on harming or destroying them. And the latter might do whatever it takes to spoil the attempts of the former.
A friend told me of this medical (human) doctor who hates animals so much he would drive his car to squash any stray animal he sees on the road. One wonders what caused him to harbour such deadly hatred on animals.
On the other hand, there are also those who love animals so much that they mistrust and hate all humans.
We need to find a balance here, don't we?
That is why the answer to world peace is unconditional loving-kindness to ALL beings. Until we can practise this, then and only then will there be peace on earth, or will earth become heaven then?
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