Huey has been helping me distribute my animal books in Penang - thank you, Huey!
Huey writes:
Here are photos I took during the Charity Concert last night, and also this morning at Little Penang Street Market. I only have a few Indy Jones with me now. Luckily Wah will be in KL tomorrow and will bring back those I got from you earlier. One of the volunteers read several pages of Rainbow Bridge at the concert and decided to stop because it made her cry. Haha. But she has asked me to keep a copy for her when I got the new stacks so she can read at home. :)
At the charity concert last night:
By the way, I'd like to thank the organisers' kind thought in wanting to invite my family and me to the concert - it's a little far to travel. And I suffer from severe motion sickness!
At the Little Penang Street Market this morning:
I hope these books can reach out to more people to create the awareness of what we can do as an individual to help the animals.