
Updates On The 1st Accident-Dog (Lai Mei Kueens)


Ref: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/09/12/updates-on-the-accident-dog-victim-lai-mei-kueens/

I spoke with Mei Kueen today to get an update from her regarding the 1st accident-dog. The good news is that the dog is progressing well. Though the wound is really bad, the dog still tries to get up whenever Mei Kueen visits. In order not to stress the dog as his movement should be restricted for healing to take place, Mei Kueen tries not to make the dog move so much.

Another piece of good news is that two of our readers have given an additional contribution to help this dog. Elaine Chan has contributed RM300 and Edward Lee RM500. So, there is an additional RM800 to cover the bill of this dog now.

We have discussed with PetFinder.my who is jointly subsidising this case with us, and we have agreed that upon receiving the final bill, we jointly subsidise up to 75% of the bill (inclusive of the RM800) subject to a maximum of RM500 from each fund.

PetFinder.my and AnimalCare both share the principle that in doing rescue work, the rescuer also has to bear part of the cost of treatment for her rescues.

Updates at 11.48pm from Mei Kueen:

Dear Dr Chan,
Attached are the latest pics of the accident dog. There is some improvement in the wound. We have to wait until this wound recovers
before we can check the other leg as he can’t stand on it.
I will continue updating the progress of this dog.
Thank you.
Mei Kueen






Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/09/14/updates-on-the-1st-accident-dog-lai-mei-kueens/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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