
Revised Neutering Subsidies (effective 11th September 2012) RM100 Flat Rate


Despite repeated reminders, we are still receiving forms where applicants do not fill up the type of animal (dog/cat/etc) or its gender (male/female). This makes our work difficult because I have to either call up or email the applicant to ask for details before the subsidy can be paid out. Incomplete forms (which actually should be rejected) delays our work and creates a lot of unnecessary wastage of time and energy.

The above problem is because our subsidy rates are different for dog/cat and male/female.

We devised a different form (http://myanimalcare.org/2012/09/05/making-it-simpler-for-applicants/)hoping it would make things easier, but applicants still do not fill up the required details. In fact, some people found it more difficult as they could not handle the table format, being 2-dimensional.

Just today, I received a form where no details were stated (dog? cat? male? female?). And to make matters worse, the applicant was applying for several animals (dogs and cats) and I don’t know which animal this receipt is for.

To solve this problem once and for all (hopefully!), we have revised our subsidy rate to a maximum of RM100 per animal regardless of type and gender. As before, if your vet’s rates are lower, we will pay the lower one.

This is actually a pro-rated rate because previously, our subsidy was RM80 for male cats, RM100 for female cats, RM100 for male dogs and RM120 for female dogs. This RM100 is an average where the male cat “gains”, the female dog “loses” while the other two categories remain unaffected.

So, effective tomorrow (11th September 2012), all new applications will be processed according to this new rate.

We have also reverted to a very simple format for both the Neutering and Medical forms:

Applicants only have to fill up the NUMBER of animals since we are paying a flat rate of RM100 regardless of type or gender. If they are able to write or circle dog/cat and male/female, it will be an added bonus. If not, at least I do not have to call up or email to ask for these details anymore. Sometimes calls are not answered, emails are not replied – it really delays our pay-outs and I don’t like to delay subsidy payments.

Here, we hope applicants can fill up the name of the animal (if any). If not, again, it doesn’t matter since medical subsidy is usually only for 1 animal. The other details (dog/cat and male/female), if filled up, would be a bonus for us.

I hope this further simplifies matters for everyone.

We are here to help with subsidies. We hope applicants will also help us by submitting forms that are filled up properly.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/09/10/revised-neutering-subsidies-effective-11th-september-2012-rm100-flat-rate/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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