
Great Health And Beauty From Home-Cooked Meals


We’ve been promoting home-cooked meals for the animals under our care for sometime now.

Here’s Megaa sharing her experience and the results after converting her cats to home-cooked food:

From: Megaa Velayuthan
Date: Sun, Sep 2, 2012 at 10:46 AM
Subject: Thank You!

Dear Dr.Chan,

After reading your post on benefits on home cooked food, my entire household including the fostered ones are on home cooked full time for the past 10 months, although the kibbles are reserved for snacks. Before it was only weekly thrice they get home cooked.
I noticed a lot of difference to their fur coat, their poo and the shedding of fur. The little kittens that I fostered/fostering now looks bigger than their age, according to vets. Most importantly, I noticed less poo and less smell.
Bobby used to get some skin irritation around his ears in the past and now that’s completely stopped. I often get compliments how healthy the cats in my household looks. I constantly trying new recipe but the basic is the one you have posted it up
 I have started doing a lot of reading off the net and books to have a deeper understanding on cat’s nutrients.I would like to thank you for encouraging some of us to prepare home cooked.
Have a pleasant Sunday!
Megaa + Kitties
The arrival of the KISS clan (the first day)

Mhee, when first arrived.

Mhee, at about 9 weeks.

Little Mhee has been adopted by her rescuer. When she arrived, she looked badly dehydrated and malnourished. Within weeks she gained healthy weight, which wouldn’t be possible with only kibbles. She was fed only on home cooked.
Kirby, Izzy, Sassy & Suzy are siblings. They were about 2 weeks when they came to me. Kirby and Izzy was very ill when they came. Milk helped but didn’t see much difference till they started on home cooked. The difference was much quicker.
Hope this helps. I still believe, with proper diet, even a DSH cats could look like million bucks


Kirby, at 7 weeks



If you are interested to home-cook for your dogs and cats, here is a basic easy-to-follow recipe: http://www.thewholepetdiet.com/2011/06/25/spots-whole-pet-diet-chicken-stew/

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/09/02/great-health-and-beauty-from-home-cooked-meals/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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