
Preparing For Baggys Trip Home


Tomorrow, Baggy will be going home to Andy and Emily’s place.

This morning, I ate TWO cans of Fancy Feast!

I’m praying that Baggy’s appetite will be maintained and maybe, as Hippocrates says, “Let Food be thy Medicine and Medicine be thy Food” will be the miracle “cure” that we are looking for Baggy.

It rained again this morning, and after the rain, Baggy quickly went out from the room.

Pretty, pretty Baggy!

I shall certainly miss little Baggy, but I will be wishing her well every moment.

I went out to buy a new fishpad for Baggy to bring along with her tomorrow. She loved it and spent some time scratching on it.

The old one (which was originally Baggy and Baloo’s) is very worn out and Bunny had claimed it long ago.

This is my very own fishpad!

Fancy Feast for Baggy to take along tomorrow.

She might get tired of it after awhile, but no worries, because Andy and Emily will always have lots of different kinds of food to whet Baggy’s appetite.

That’s her medication and supplements.

Another five more times of the steroids on alternate days, and she will be off steroids already. The rest are supplements. The little yellow tablets is B Complex (helps in appetite) and Folic Acid (helps in making blood). I think a nutritious diet and supplements (not drugs) will do Baggy a lot of good.

I’m cleaning and washing some of her other things now.

I think my brood has been really “understanding”. They know I’ve been giving Baggy so much attention lately (why, she even gets the more aromatic food while we have to eat the same old thing!), yet they have taken everything in their stride. For this, I’m really thankful to them.

And I also want to thank everyone for helping me think this through and for being very supportive once the decision was made. It means very, very much to me.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/08/21/preparing-for-baggys-trip-home/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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