
The Tabitha Jane Show Live!


When we first moved in and failed to cat-proof (or rather, Pole-proof) Bunny’s Place, Pole used to make repeated escapes and whenever these happened, everyone else (meaning, all the cats) would watch “the show”.

Even after we finally successfully (hopefully!) Pole-proofed the place, Pole would sometimes make attempts at escaping and everyone would stop whatever they were doing and watch the show.

You’ve got to face it, it’s entertainment for them.

Everyone enjoyed the Pole shows.

Well, today, it looked like Tabs wanted the limelight….

Now, watch me, everyone…here, over here…

I’m going to attempt to leap over that green netting…watch me, everyone.


Tiger wasn’t watching; he was in the condo, straightening the towel before taking his morning nap.

I was feeding Bobby, but I stopped to watch, of course.

Ok, everyone, I’m doing it now….watch me!

Yes, anytime now, I’m going to leap over the green netting. Don’t even blink or you might miss my act!

Been there, done that. Can’t be done, so don’t waste your time.

Hmm…? I’m inside the room.

Want to watch me groom myself?

Er, folks, a bit of a wrong calculation today, so we shall postpone this spectacular feat to another day….stay tuned for it. I need to work on the angle with more precision, you know…

If Pole cannot do it, who can?

I didn’t miss anything, did I?

Stay tuned, folks…

I’ll be back…in the next show!

Oh well, I watched.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/08/19/the-tabitha-jane-show-live/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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