
Show Time For Baggy!


This morning Baggy greeted me together with the rest of the brood. Breakfast is a bit of a challenge now because everybody is hungry and everyone cannot wait (including Baggy!). But Baggy’s food has to be specially mixed and I have to monitor Baggy eating so that there is no sharing and that no one else eats from Baggy’s bowl.

 Good morning, Pink Nose!

 Baggy decided to join the rest for breakfast at the pantry. As you can see, Cleo and Pole are not there. This is always the case. The mother-and-daughter pair always eat on their own, in their own time, normally, after everyone else.

 Hanging out at the Clubhouse after breakfast, with everyone else.

 Scratch, scratch, scratch!

Today everyone wants to play and clown around, so Baggy has been happily entertained by the antics of the brood.

 Watching the “Funny Bunny Show”.

Baggy, being the Siamese prima donna that she is, does not participate in silly antics. She just watches.

 This is the Pole and Tabs Show.

 Lunch time!

Baggy ate only a little this round. Maybe she needs a change of taste after so many days of home-cooked meals. I mixed some AD in it but she wasn’t really interested.

 If you don’t want, I want!

But no sharing is allowed, so I hand-fed Baggy the rest of it.

 This is a Hide-and-Seek Show, presented by Cow and Bobby!

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/08/13/show-time-for-baggy/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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