Neutering Subsidy For 3 Cats (Dr Aniza Abdullahs)
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We have subsidised RM260 for these 3 cases.
From Dr Aniza:
Hello Dr Chan,
Sorry for taking my time writing to you regarding the cats that i brought for spay/neuter. I managed to bring 2 males and a female cat. Initially there were another 2 males but while transfering into the car, the managed to get away
I sent them yesterday, on2nd August and took them back last night about 8.30 pm
The white with grey spots is Tomchik, a young female maybe less than 1 year old. She is being fedby my neighbour, Maria. Tomchik delivered her first litter about 2 months ago, but sadly all herbabies passed away after about3 weeks.Being the first time mother, she didnt really take care and refused to nursethem.Maria managed to bottle fed the kittens but they didnt survive.
The one with cream and yellow coat is Cocoa, a10 month old boy. He is the son of Cleo, also spayed under your subsidy in November last year. Since small he stays and eats in front of my house, together with his brother Silver (whomanaged to get away).It took me so long to be close to him and finally about a month ago he allows me to pet him, and actually he is very ‘manja’ but only with me. Im planning to put him for adoption later.
The lastone is the sad case actually. He is a case of abandoned pet by the irresponsible owner due to his old age and unhealthy. Initially I thought he is a stray because I noticed him since I moved tothis neighbourhoodas he is always outdoor, bullying other cats andsearching for food at thetong sampah. Later i found out that he is actually had owner who lives in the same row with me. I saw a boy went near him and called him Baby. I asked him why he was kept outside, he said because they have another ‘beautiful’ female cat in the house and they dont want him anymore… How sad. Eventhough Baby is neglected, i noticed he always sleeps athis owner’sporch.However there is no foodor water container outside. So he comes once in a while to my house or Maria’s house whenever he is hungry. For the last few weeks, he looked weak with increasingseverity of mange over his face,ears and neck. He sleeps most of the time.I brought him for mangetreatmentyesterday and the vet also said he is fit for neutering.
As for today the3 of them are eating well. Baby andCocoa already outside while Tomchik still under my neighbour’s supervision.
Thank you very much for your help, Dr.
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