The vet just called minutes ago. Jenny's surgery ended well and she is now awake.
However, things did not go well DURING the surgery. The moment the anaesthesia was administered, she turned very pale, her breathing became erratic, and during the surgery, she bled a lot. It was also very difficult to do the amputation as the leg was so badly deformed, the musculature difficult to be ascertained.
These complications were unexpected as her bloodwork had been good. This goes to show that we can do everything necessary, yet things can still go wrong. Humbling, isn't it?
But towards the end of the surgery, the moment the gas was removed, Jenny woke up, and she was pink again.
The vet said all is well now, and for him, it is how Jenny is NOW that matters (after the surgery).
The vets decided not to spay her during the surgery because of those complications that arose.
Jenny can be discharged tomorrow and fostered till about 1-2 months before the spaying is done, especially when she has vaginitis.
I will visit her now and update with a photo later tonight. Mei Leng is one her way from Puchong as well.
This afternoon, Mei Leng visited Jenny before the surgery and Jenny was incredibly happily wagging her tail. This would be the first time she shows signs of bonding with a human. She knows Mei Leng is her rescuer and as with all dogs, she will remember this for life.
For those who prayed for Jenny - thank you!
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