
Kwanjits Family At PAWS (from Dr Veeranoot Nissapatorn)


Kwanjit was pregnant was first rescued by Dr Veeranoot in Feb 2011, from Section 17, PJ. The good doctor provided Kwanjit a safe place to deliver her 6 kittens and also provided a loving home for all of them. But soon, Dr Veeranoot had to move to an apartment and the neighbours were not pleased with her having cats.

We have helped publicised Kwanjit’s kittens for adoption many times, but as luck would have it, they could not find homes. Dr Veeranoot even surrendered them to a certain shelter but took them back after discovering that conditions were not favourable and the kittens were not doing well.

As we would always recommend, exhaust all efforts to look for a good home for your rescued cats first, failing which, you may wish to consider surrendering them to PAWS since they have the largest cattery in Malaysia now and they have plenty of space for cats. The adoption rate for cats in PAWS is also very good; 50-70 cats are adopted every month.

Dr Veeranoot finally surrendered Kwanjit and family to PAWS and she has been visiting them every week.

Here are some photos and a write-up from Dr Veeranoot:

From:Veeranoot Nissapatorn<nissapat@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 12:18 PM
Subject: PAWs
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

25th July, 2012

RE: Kwanjits family in PAWs

Dear Sis Chan,

I am writing this mail to inform you that Kwanjit and 6 of her
children have stayed in PAWs for more than a week. On the first day in
PAWs, Kwanjit took it calmly, I hugged and softly told her that she
and her children need not worry. I still keep visiting and will
continue to do so till I leave this country. I also hope by then they
will be lucky enough for them to be adopted into loving-caring homes.
During these past two weeks, I assisted them in facilitating the
transition from their indoor living to the open environment.

I do understand that there are advantages and limitations of these so
called shelter or sanctuaryfor homeless animals.

I have chosen PAWs as their home due to following reasons:-

a) CLEANLINESS- this is the first impression I got when I walked
inside PAWs and it confirms what Agnes told me that cleanliness is one
of PAWS primaryobjectives so that a healthy environment can help
in reducingdisease transmission among animals themselves or from animals
b) SPACE- the area is not too big or small and that PAWs still has
enough covered areas to look after their animals.
c) FRIENDLINESS- PAWs members are quite hospitable and prompt to
respond to any query
d) MEDICAL ASSISTANCE- this is the most crucial part which helps to
reduce the suffering of these animals,
e) And lastly, PAWs shows TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY by exerting
effort, responsibility and hard work to look after their animals.

I sincerely hope that committee members of PAWs under the leadership
of Mr Edward Lim and his assistant Agnes continue to maintain the
standards seen in PAWs and continue with dedication, passion and
commitment to help, serve and nurture those unfortunate street

I would also love to see PAWs improving infrastructure so as to and
serve as a role model for not only providing a SAFE PLACE but also
possessing the moral zeal to SAVE MORE LIVES of these homeless and
forgotten animals on this planet.

With this, I personally thank Maslinda for the past week for fostering
Thong-dee, Thong-poon and Thong-yib before they went to PAWs, Mr
Edward for assuring me that I can visit Kwanjit and her family anytime
in PAWs, Julie Pek for kindly agreeing to assist Kwanjits family
during my absence in this coming August and Kwanjit for not only
being my first ever rescued cat who always gave me joy and happy
moments for the past one and a half years but also for being.MY

Thank you Sis Chan for the opportunity.
Sukhi Hotu!

Information about Kwanjit and her children.

Kwanjit and her children.

Kwanjit’s cubicle.

Pancake and siblings during clean-up time.

Thongdee and Panda, after a meal.

Kwanjit and her children are up for adoption. If you would like to give them a home, please visit them at PAWS.


Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/07/27/kwanjits-family-at-paws-from-dr-veeranoot-nissapatorn/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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