
Updates On 22nd Jul 2012



The competition closes tomorrow – need your photos by 5pm Monday July 23 at the latest.


Want to win a SPCA t-shirt??

We are compiling a photo album “Memories with my Pet”. Send us photos (maximum three) of:

- you as a child with your pet, and/or

- your child(ren) with the family pet.

We’ll publish the album on Facebook and the photo with the most “Like”s wins!

**NEW** – after several requests, we are opening this up to include the “young at heart” with their pet.


1. Submit photos for publication by email only to photos@spca-penang.net – let us know name of pet and age/name of person(s) in each photo.

2. Maximum of three photos can be submitted by one person

3. Closing date for entries, Monday, July 23, 2012

4. Album will be published on SPCA’s Facebook page by Monday, July 30, 2012

5. Photo with the most “Like”s by noon, Monday August 13, 2012 wins the t-shirt. In the event two photos have the same number of “Like”s, we’ll give a t-shirt to both winners. If more than two photos have the same number of “Like”s, we’ll publish a new album of just those photos and get SPCA friends to vote again until we get a winner. Winner will be contacted by email.



SPCA Penang

SPCA Penang's main objectives are to prevent the unnecessary suffering of animals and to ensure responsible pet ownership. Hence the Society acts to prevent cruelty to animals and promotes kindness towards them by fostering an intelligent public interest regarding Man's duty animals.

Though the Society is sometimes compelled to put down an animal, our work covers a much more wider scope of rescuing, rehabilitating, healing and re-homing the animals.

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