
Medical Subsidy For Miu Miu, Injured Puppy (Joanne Lim Teng Tengs)


We have subsidised RM83.95 for this case.

Date: Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 10:52 PM
Subject: Injured Stray Puppy from Jln Kapar, Klang : Miu Miu
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Hi Dr Chan,

On Tues nite after I delivered food for the stray dogs in my former workplace and I was stopping by a nearby shop to get bread, there I saw a puppy crying by the road. It couldnt stand up and was dragging its lower half of the body. Then it fell into a drain and was still crying. I have asked some ppl there to help rescue the puppy from the drain.

Didn’t see any wound on the body and on Thurs morning, I brought it (Miu Miu) to the vet and x-ray has shown that Miu Miu has pelvic fracture : right side wing of illium deviated and left side obscured. Her pelvic canal has collapsed. Rectal palpation shows narrowing from left side caudally.
There might be also other possibilities like organ injuries and diamatic hernia. Sorry if there is any wrong spelling of these terms. She might be run over by vehicle or beaten/kick by some1.

Surgery to repair pelvic or excission arthroplasty will be very risky and it is not recommended at all. The vet advised to confine Miu Miu (2-3 months), give laxative as it did not poo since Tues night (can see from x ray that her colons has stool) but pee was normal, prescribed Neurobion and a mild pain killer for 1 week tentatively and see how her condition goes.

Last night, Lydia has also informed me that she has shared Miu Miu’s case with you.
I was discussing with Lydia and we suspect that Miu Miu might be beaten/kicked from the side/back looking at her x ray as a vehicle might have broken her spine since she is still so young (2-3 mths puppy). Looking at the x ray, the spine is normal and we see that Miu Miu’s tail has reaction.

Since Wednesday morning, Miu Miu was eating ok and pee was normal. She will cry when she try to move.

But today she is not eating much and has not pee today but till now she is unable to poo even manually pressed. If her condition does not improve, tomorrow morning I will bring Miu Miu to the vet again together with Lydia.

Dr Chan, for now I would like to apply for her medical subsidy, total incurred on 12/7 was RM167.90, breakdown as follows :
Medicine + Deworm = RM52.90
X ray = RM85
Consultation= RM30 ifthis cant be subsidized
Will keep you updated.
Thank you.






Date: Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: Injured Stray Puppy from Jln Kapar, Klang : Miu Miu
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>

Dear Dr Chan,

Thanks for the approval. I shall post the form and original receipt to u next week.

Miu Miu’s condition has improved and has been peeing normally since yday afternoon. Also Lydia n I have tried anema on her as she was only had 2 pcs of poo (hard) before that and it worked well, finally Miu Miu’s colon has been cleared at the moment.

Thanks again




Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/07/20/medical-subsidy-for-miu-miu-injured-puppy-joanne-lim-teng-tengs/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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