Puppy For Adoption (Chee Pooi Lings)
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From:Pooi Ling<plchee@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 9:22 PM
Subject: Pup for adoption
To: Chan Kah Yein <chankahyein@gmail.com>
Hi doc,
I spotted a pup that has been taking shelter right beside a mosque in a housing area dominated by Malays.
I am worried abt the pup as I am not able to take her in due to certain constraints. (3 dogs on my own, parent not approving and neighbour starts to hint abt my dogs)
I have asked ard whether anyone would be interested to adopt her among my acquaintance, but nobody responded.
Would you be able to blog and find a home for her? She is wary of people at first, but her curiosity gets away with her and she was whimpering when I make my moves.
I am willing to cover her vaccination and spaying costs for her future adopter.
Anybody interested can email me atplchee@gmail.comor sms at 0122655033. No calls please.
Thks a lot.
Pooi ling
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/07/09/puppy-for-adoption-chee-pooi-lings/
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