Remember the 5 kittens that someone had dumped in front of my gate last week? In a styrofoam box? Well, I had to send to them to the vet's for treatment as they were having diarrhoea and flu. I don't know if Bunny had picked up something as Bunny started sneezing three days ago as well.
Anyway, our first vet dewormed the five and our second vet applied eyedrops for the fluey ones, and these guys are REAL survivors, because they improved and are now as active as ever; eating well and poo-ing normally too. The vet said to better get them out as the clinic environment is definitely NOT healthy for baby animals, and yes, I totally agree too.
When I visited them on Monday (or Tuesday?).
I call them the Gingershell kittens as three are ginger and two are tortoise-shell.
Nandhini took them back to foster on Tuesday (or was it Wednesday? I've lost track of time!), but thank you, Nandhini. You're all heart.
Nandhini says they are all doing well and.....naughty but happy. They're still not used to having their own bowls to eat, and would rather just eat from the litter-box! Guess they have never had a life of "luxury" before (luxury = having your own bowl of food).