Membela Kucing Di Dalam Atau Di Luar Rumah
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Pemilik haiwan ini cuba membawa kucingnya ke vet berdekatan dengannya di kawasan berhampiran Ampang. Walaubagaimanapun, doktor haiwan tersebut tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa menyelamatkan kucing ini dan menasihati kucing ini di ‘Put To Sleep” (di matikan dengan cara euthanasia).
Antara alasan pemilik kucing membela kucing di luar rumah:
Tidak kencing, memancut dan membuang najis di dalam rumah Tidak mencakar dan merosakkan perabot dalam rumah, tidak bulu berterbangan dan melekat di perabot dan fabrik dalam rumah Kucing tidak akan mudah bosan dan bebas menikmati kehidupan di luar Kucing tidak ada risiko gemuk dan obesiti kerana bebas memburu, mengejar, memanjat, dan berlari Kucing yang dibiarkan di luar rumah lebih berdikari Bagaimana pun, kucing-kucing yang dibebaskan di luar ini mudah terdedah kepada bahaya seperti :
Trafik dan kenderaan. Anjing liar dan haiwan lain seperti ular dsb. Hilang. Sesetengah kucing gemar menyelinap masuk bawah kenderaan Keracunan. Kucing mudah terdedah kepada tumbuhan beracun, tumbuhan yang diracun dan haiwan lain yang diracun seperti tikus. Pergaduhan dengan kucing lain, terutamanya kucing jantan yang tidak dimandulkan. Penyakit akibat virus seperti FIV, FeLV, FIP, selsema, tick-fever, sporo dan sebagainya Kutu, hama dan parasit lain Mangsa kemarahan jiranUntuk haiwan yang aktif seperti kucing, persekitaran dalam rumah boleh menyebabkan kebosanan, stres, malas dan kegemukan. Jadi adalah penting untuk pemilik haiwan menyediakan keperluan seperti :
Bekas untuk membuang najis yang sentiasa bersih. Ruang untuk bergerak bebas. Pastikan ruang yang disediakan bebas dari bahaya jatuh tempat tinggi dan sebagainya. Tempat untuk mencakar seperti scratch tree dan scratch post yang banyak dijual di kedai haiwan. Aktiviti mencakar ini bertujuan menguatkan otot dan mengelakkan perabot rumah dari dicakar Menyediakan permainan dan aktiviti bersama kucing untuk merangsang kucing-kucing ini agar kekal aktif Memberikan perhatian dan masa yang banyak untuk berinteraksi dengan kucing peliharaan kerana kebanyakan kucing yang dibela di dalam rumah ditinggalkan sepanjang hari ketika pemilik keluar bekerja.
Many of us believe that domestic cats lead a far happier life if allowed outdoors to enjoy their freedom. Those of us that think this way consider that to keep their cat confined inside the home would be somewhat cruel to their pet.
Some owners choose to keep their cats outdoor because :
Cats that are allowed outside are far less likely to urinate in the home Cats that are allowed outside are far less likely to claw at furniture Cats that can enjoy life outside are less likely, than indoor cats, to become frustrated or bored with their surroundingsOutdoor cats are less likely to have a weight problem, cats get their exercise hunting, stalking, climbing etc. Indoor cats not only have less opportunity for exercise, but can also overeat through boredom Solitary indoor cats rely heavily on their owners for stimulation, and can become very dependent.Cats can find social stimulation by interacting with other cats are more independent.
Traffic. The closer you live to highly trafficked roads the greater the risk of death, or serious injury, to your outdoor cat Dogs and other animals eg. snakes etc. Loss. Cats, being curious by nature, love to investigate strange places. Outdoor cats can get driven away in vehicles they have climbed into Poisoning. Outside cats can become poisoned by the many chemicals used in gardening, or by eating prey that has been poisoned. Many of the plants found in gardens can be poisonous to your cats Fighting. Un-neutered tom cats are particularly at risk. Disease. Fighting with other outdoor cats, and feral cats, can result in infections with, FIV, FeLV, FIP, flu, tick-fever, sporo etc. Parasites Fleas and other parasites can be picked up by outside cats from their prey, and contact with other animals. Angry neighbors. The owners of outdoor cats frequently have to deal with complaints from neighbors, about their cat using other peoples gardens as a public toilet etc.
Provide it with a litter tray in a quiet place and make sure that you clean it out regularly. Cats are often reluctant to use a dirty tray or one that is in a busy part of the home. Make sure your cat has enough space. Indoor-only cats should have access to several rooms. Allow your cat access to two types of resting place, one at floor level, enclosed on three sides and another that is higher with a good view. It is important that the higher position is safe and will not lead to your cat falling from a height, as this could cause serious injury. Provide scratching posts for your cat at several locations around the home so that it can strengthen its musclesMake sure your cat has opportunities to exercise each day to stay fit and healthy, by providing suitable indoor activities to keep it active. Provide and create new ways for your cat to stay stimulated and active, both physically and mentally, as one of the main problems with an indoor-only lifestyle is that cats can become frustrated and bored. Remember that because your cat will not have the freedom to interact with people or other animals outside, you will become its main social companion. You will need to make plenty of time to interact with your cat. You should not leave your cat alone for long periods during the day.
Hopefully the information given will help you to decide whether indoor or outdoor cats are the best choice for you. Indoor cats or outdoor cats, all cats need love and care, give them those two things and your cats will repay you a thousand fold.
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