An urgent request from Punitha, on behalf of Susan:
Dear Dr.Chan,
I've attached a picture of the 5 pups here, brightened up a bit here so they're more visible. This was from the day they were rescued on June 17th (only 3 days old). They'll turn 2 weeks tomorrow.
Susan's in laws were taking care of the pups the past week, but have now left for their hometown on urgent matters. Susan has taken over bottle-feeding, but will also be leaving for work come Monday.
These pups need a fosterer for another week (until next Sunday). This is Susan's contact number: 012-6058772
I was going to call Wani regarding the fostering matter, but came across Goldie's story and thought it wouldn't be right to trouble her further. I hope the few of us can pitch in to help until she gets back from overseas.
Already fostering one puppy at home and many MANY kittens, family won't be happy if I were to take in these little ones. We also have 2 dogs and 6 cats of our own.
Just for a week, anyone? Will greatly appreciate any assistance.