
Taking Care Of Sunshines Stubborn Little Toe (from Lydia)


It is just one little toe…but it’s a lot of hard work!

On our part, we can only sponsor the medical needs of Sunshine. This time it is only RM20.30 for the Solcoseryl, but all the hard work and loving care comes from Lydia.

We are still looking for a home for Sunshine. If you are interested, please contact me at chankahyein@gmail.com.

Sunshine is a formerly paralysed dog but now as good as new except for one stubborn little toe, which is now finally healing!

Hi Kah Yein,
Trying to getSunshine’s injured toe has been a challenge. It was progressing nicely with the healing 2 weeks ago, then overnight somehow when she was running around it got abraided again and we took some steps backwards. So it was back to bandaging daily.
It’s been almosttwo months and becauseher wound is in the extremity, less blood supply means slower healing.Recently the healing started slowing down. My vet looked at her wound and was a little concerned that it was not birght angry red- which would mean that there is good blood supply going to the wounded area and that aids healing. Instead it was a pale pink so he adviced me on some alternativeways to manage the wound andshe’s nowback to wearing the collar as she tends to lick the toe too much. He did say that if the healing was impaired and slowing down too much, she might have to be lightly sedated andthe wound would be scraped to encourage epithelialisation.Fortunately one daySunshinetore her bandage off while running around outside and that caused the wound to be abraided again and this actually kick started the impaired wound healing so I didn’t have to take her to the vet. I had to purchase a tube of Solcoseryl for her wound as suggested by my vet as that encourages granulation and epithelialisation. Previously I was only using an antibiotic cream.
I started making her socks, by recycling old tshirts,to protect the dressing as we were going through so much bandages as we’ve been bandaging every day for almost 2 months with the odd day in between and at night with bandage off to air the wound.
To us,Sunshineis quite funny with her e-collar on but my other dogs don’t like it as she bumps into them quite roughly and without any apology!! She is such a happy girl that the e-collar doesn’t stop her or bother her but I’m sure she’ll be glad to have it off soon.
Best regards,

First the bandage.

Then the homemade sock.

Tape the sock securely.

Finally the boot on.

Toe finally healing.

Back to wearing the collar for the feisty little Sunshine.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/06/29/taking-care-of-sunshines-stubborn-little-toe-from-lydia/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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