Jeanie and Josie finally went home with Mrs Devinder. These 2 sisters were happily tailing Mrs Devinder and her daughter,Nisha when they were here to see our furry friends. Nisha, an animal lover herself loves all the doggies in the shed.They were here to select only one but they couldn’t bear to separate these 2 sisters. Nisha giving Jeanie a hug Mr Vijay was here to pick these 2 sisters home the next day. 2 of them were so excited , honing away in the car to hurry Mr Vijay before the door could be closed securely. Josie was zapping around, eager to run to the van. Waiting impatiently to go out Making their exit known by honing away in the van! Mr Vijay has to ensure that they are safely behind the van when he drives. To Mrs Devinder, Thank You for bringing them home and not separating them. Your family will definitely be filled with laughter and joy with these 2 sisters around!
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