Medical Subsidy For Walter The Cat (Dani Irwans)
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We have subsidised RM41 for the treatment and medication of Walter the Cat, a street cat looked after by Dani Irwan. This bill is for RM82. There is another bill of RM8.50 which is for Hill’s AD which we cannot subsidise.
From:Dani Irwan<>
Date: Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: AnimalCare Contact: Help/advice/opinion needed on rescued stray kitten
To: Chan Kah Yein <>
Hello Dr. Chan.
I’m writing to you regarding treatment cost subsidy for a stray cat that I’m feeding. He comes to my house everyday, in fact he’s the sibling or husband of Britney (Cici’s mommy, the kitty family that Junaina adopted from me). He used to be with Britney all the time, and would come to my house together with Britney for their daily meals. Now that Britney & her kittens are with Junaina, he’s all alone. Taking pity on him, I’ve continued to give him food & also given him medical attention twice.
About a month ago, he came to me limping, favoring his right front leg. There’s no visible wound, but he keeps that leg off the ground. I brought him to the clinic, and the vet said he could’ve injured that leg in a fight. He was given antibiotics & some other medication. Luckily an abscess didn’t develop, and that leg is now fully healed. So, it’s not this treatment that I want to talk you about….
I noticed that since 4-5 days ago, he wouldn’t eat the food I gave him. I’ve given him both wet & dry food, I’ve also changed the brand/type of food but he wouldn’t eat. It’s very strange that a stray cat wouldn’t eat, must be a sign of illness. I was very worried so earlier today I brought him to the clinic again. Turns out he has a fever & his temperature is high. The doctor gave him an antibiotic injection & another jab for the fever, which is supplemented with some other oral medication & also a can of Hill’s A/D feline diet. I also enquired about vaccinating & neutering for him, but the vet said it can’t be done now as he’s running a fever. Maybe next time.
Upon our return from the vet, I released him from the pet carrier & he went off on his way. I will put the medication into his food later when he comes..hope he will get better & start to eat again soon.
The bill for him today came to RM90.50 total, which includes consultation/exam fee, 2 injections, the oral antibiotics & fever medication & also the can of Hill’s A/D diet.Can I get a subsidy for this treatment, Dr Chan? If yes, I will proceed to prepare the necessary documents & subsequently mail it to you. If you’d like to see a photo of him, I can also email it to you too.
Do let me know, hope to hear from you soon.
A subsequent email from Dani:
Hello Dr Chan. Here are photos of the stray cat. The 1st one was taken on Monday when I brought him to the vet. The others were taken yesterday. He came to my house asking for food. Seems like he has regained his appetite & is eating as per normal. I’m mixing in the medication (antibiotics, anti-fever) the vet gave him into his food.
The next step is to get him neutered sometime soon…perhaps at the end of the month.
I’ll proceed with filling in the subsidy form & will let you know later once I’m ready to Pos Ekspress it to you.
I’ve decided to call himWalter. He’s doing finenow, just a bit more picky about what food he wants to eat.
Thank you Dr Chan.
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