Cute and lovely pup Leng Leng was rescued during the football world cup tournament. She was spotted loitering around a five foot way of a coffee shop together with her 2 other siblings and mama dog at 1 am during one of the weekend after the match was over. We turned back our car to pack fried rice for the hungry family. When we came back, only Leng leng and her mama were there, the other 2 siblings were no where to be found. 
mama dog was too tired then… Leng Leng gobbled the fried rice and fried egg…
Friendly Leng Leng gobbled the whole fried egg and walked to sniff our hands while wagging her tail to show her appreciation. We quickly grab her into the car because it was drizzling at that time.
Leng Leng ‘s latest photos after few weeks stay in the shed. She is in much better shape now. Sam has named her Leng Leng because she came in almost the same time as Long Long. She is now the room- mate of Long Long. Oh ya, Leng Leng is about 3 months old and she is a girl. Leng Leng is up for adoption and has done her 1st vaccination. Please call us if you are interested to give this lil pup a loving home. You may see her in the upcoming adoption drive in Happy Garden.
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