Updates From Imms Shelter (from Judy Chua, Ipoh)
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On 4th March 2011, my friend, Judy Chua, wrote to me about how Oei Phaik Imm was barely managing at running her shelter in Ipoh. Things were really bad at that time and Imm was desperately in need of emotional, financial and physical help. Imm was on the verge of a breakdown.
I blogged for help and emails were blasted out. Help poured in most generously and within weeks, things were in place again, slowly but surely. Not only did monetary help pour in, physical help did too as I had a former classmate in Ipoh who went in to help Imm and more Ipoh residents started going in to help her.
After a week:http://myanimalcare.org/2011/03/11/friday-updates-on-imm-shelter/
We also managed to get two donors, PC Leong and Chew, who pledged monthly donations for a year and that pledge was fulfilled.
By September:http://myanimalcare.org/2011/09/06/updates-on-imms-shelter-in-ipoh-and-thank-you/
Since then, everything has been going smoothly for Imm and her animals.
Here are some updates from Judy Chua, sent in today:
Dear friends
Much has happened since my last update in Sep last year.As is the nature of life, there have been good & happy moments, and also problems and difficulties from time to time. Whatever the circumstances, the cats and dogs at Imm’s shelter are much blessed. They are blessed with your financial support, volunteer support and Imm’s unconditional love and care. They too give much in return, their love and trust, and inner joy.
I marvel that your kindness and generosity has enabled Imm to feed all of the 32 dogs and 30 cats at the shelter, also to pay for their medical treatment, and the maintenance of the shelter for the last16 months.All the costs for that period from March 2011 to May 2012 amounting to RM38k have been fully funded by your generosity.This is truly amazing!
As of 31 May 2012, there is still a balance of RM14k in the kitty which should see the cats and dogs through for another 4-5 months.The cats and dogs thank each and everyone of you, the donors & volunteers, from their warm and tender hearts. What goes around, comes around. Just as their lives have been touched & blessed by your genorosity, they too wish for abundant blessings to come your way.
Since March 2011 appeal, a few animals have passed on.We miss them but we also rejoice that they were much loved and had some good years at the shelter free from fear and hunger.We remember fondly our furry friends below and wish them good rebirths:
Loving woof-woof farewell to:
Loving meow-meow farewell to:
As of today, there remain 27 dogs and 24 cats (excluding kittens below).
Pups and kittens have been abandoned outside the shelter, hence Imms reluctance to disclose the shelters location.A surviving pup has since been adopted by my cousin, and the 5 surviving kittens (now 4 months old) are with Imm.They are up for adoption. Imm has named them KT, Obi, Billy the Kid, Samson and Tom Cat. They have all been vaccinated and recently spayed/neutered.
Pix and narratives will follow in the coming days.
Kind regards
PS: Attached below … loving memory of Maemi, RIP 16 Dec 2011
On 3rd July 2011, just as I was leaving the cattery at Imm’s shelter, I noticed that Maemi’s left ear was very swollen & bloated. She was taken to the vet immediately and the vet said she had severe lice infection in her ear and that her scratching had caused the tiny blood vessels in her ear to bleed. The vet prescribed medication and I decided to treat her in my home. The treatment did reduce the swelling but as forewarned by the vet, she ended up with a crumpled ear. I continued to let Maemi stay at my place as she was very very unsteady on her feet due to a nerve disorder caused by a tumour in her brain. The disorder also affected her breathing. Her head was also permanently tilted to one side. In the 6 months she was in my home, there were two occassions when she couldn’t walk or had breathing diffulties, and had to be taken to the vet. Despite her disabiliies, Maemi was a funny dame. My sis and I loved her to bits. Maemi would call out (a unique yell) when she was not well or unable to walk. Giving her her medication was a feat, she would resist with all her might. When she was well, she would always wait by the gate for her morning breakfast. I still miss seeing her each morning as I go in to feed the cats. By mid Dec I knew that Maemi would not be with us for long but didn’t expect her to leave us that evening. I was out. My sis heard her call and went to check on her. She didn’t look good. My sis picked her up and carried her in her arms. Maemi died a few moments later. I got back soon after. I went in to check on Maemi. Maemi was still in my sister’s arms. My sis said she died only a few minutes ago. I carried her in my arms. She was still warm. We took her into the living room and placed her in front of our shrine, lighted a candle and asked Kuan Yin to take her to a good rebirth. She was buried in the orchard just outside Imm’s shelter next morning. Maemi was special and we will always remember her with love and joy.
If you would like to donate to Imm for the upkeep of her 51 animals and her shelter, please bank in your donations directly to Phaik Imm’s bank account:
Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/06/08/updates-from-imms-shelter-from-judy-chua-ipoh/
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