Can you see anything from this pic? Now can you see? He rolled down from the side of the hill and got stuck .
This is the slope where all the puppies rolled down for the past 48hours.
With the help of some workers along this road and co0peration of the residents, all 9 puppies were saved. They need not have to live dangerously now. Thanks to Jennifer who agreed to house all of them till they are big enough to be rehomed and Chiun Chin who has been looking out for them, she found 2 crawling in the middle of the road in the evening. Chiun Chin too has rehomed 8 of Lady’s previous puppies through Facebook. “Sai Low(little brother) what takes you so long to come down?” “Tell you all later, I am hungry now”
They take turns to drink. Aren’t they cute? Obviously they are up for adoption too. The residents along this street too hope that this will be Lady’s last batch of puppies. We will try our very best to spay her in due course. Keep our fingers XXXX that Lady will find a good owner too.
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