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Updates On 26th May 2012


From a SPCA Friend:

“Good day to you. What i want to let people know is that a stray dog can be as beautiful as they are, if he/she got treated nice and have a lovely home. I feel heartache whenever i see a stray dog with no hair or skin problem wondering around the street… :-(
Merry was a stray puppy abused by some kids, i picked her up and have her with me for now almost one year, happy to see that she is healthy and pretty . I want spread this message but due to my poor english, so I hope SPCA will use message like stray dog can be beautiful too to ask for more help to adopt stray dogs. Thank you”

@HL Chan We think your english is more than clear enough to get your point across so are publishing this unchanged. Thank you!Source: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151143656689972&set=a.140205684971.140013.69082364971&type=1



SPCA Penang

SPCA Penang's main objectives are to prevent the unnecessary suffering of animals and to ensure responsible pet ownership. Hence the Society acts to prevent cruelty to animals and promotes kindness towards them by fostering an intelligent public interest regarding Man's duty animals.

Though the Society is sometimes compelled to put down an animal, our work covers a much more wider scope of rescuing, rehabilitating, healing and re-homing the animals.

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