
Baggy Passes The First Hurdle Eating On Her Own!


I decided I’d try giving Baggy ID for a change of taste. My chicken stew may not be tasty enough to rekindle her taste buds.

When Baggy heard me opening the can, she meowed….now, that’s a good reaction, I thought.

So I dished a bit out with my finger and let her smell it.

Not interested.

Force-fed that bit….



And she licked the rest off my finger!

And more….

Had started by handfeeding her, but she must have been very hungry because she wanted to eat straight from the can!

I didn’t want to stop her as this was a MOMENT I had been waiting for, so I let her continue.
Just so glad to see her appetite returning.

Clavomox (the antibiotic) must be doing its job very well, fighting the infection in the gut.

Tabs is keeping her company or Tabs wants to share the food?

I had to remove the can as she should not eat too much at a go. Don’t want to trigger another bout of vomiting and diarrhoea. Slowly does it…

But I’m hungry!!

You have to wait another two hours, Baggy.

Do not fear, Tabs is here. Tabs will ensure you get your food in two hours.

Tabs will stay with you until you get your food, and maybe Tabs gets some too?

Good old reliable Uncle Bobs!

Now, the next hurdle for Baggy is to see well-formed stools and no more diarrhoea….

Thank you, everyone, for all your good wishes for Baggy!

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/05/24/baggy-passes-the-first-hurdle-eating-on-her-own/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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