
A Sharing For Caregivers Of Cats With Seizuires (from Fenton Yong)


Here’s a kind sharing from Fenton Yong (fenton.yong@gmail.com):

Dear Dr Chan,

I still have about 120 tablets of Phenobarbitone 30mg in my possession. Now since that Ah Wong has passed on, this drugs seem useless to me and I would like to give them away for cat that suffers from the same medical condition; preferably for one that is already put on the same drug. I would be more than happy to pay for the the postage charges too. Would you pls blog this for me? And by the way, since I have kept Ah Wong for more than four years now, I would also love to share my experience for handling a cat that suffers from seizure with cat owners that face the same situation. Anyone can drop me an email and I would be glad to answer them as far as my experience stretch. However, for medical advices, there are still best to seek from a vet.

With best regards,


Thank you very much, Fenton.

To all readers: If you wish to communicate with Fenton, his email isfenton.yong@gmail.com.

Fenton’s loving tribute to Ah Wong:http://myanimalcare.org/2012/05/17/a-loving-tribute-to-ah-wong-fenton-yongs/

I have been taught that when our dear ones depart, the best we can do for them is to perform good deeds and share the joy with them (a thought is all it takes, no need for any ceremony). Wherever they are, they will feel this joy because of that mental connection we still have with them, and they will be happy too.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/05/19/a-sharing-for-caregivers-of-cats-with-seizuires-from-fenton-yong/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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