![cat%20and%20dog%20tee[1] cat%20and%20dog%20tee[1]](http://widget.slide.com/rdr/1/1/1/W/220000002479175b/1/232/nVHUUU5u6j8bElxV5e0u1RdcT8JjcVBr.jpg)
PawsMission狗狗中途之家 将会在这个月二十九号星期日于 蒲种IOI MALL(the linkway, 1st floor of IOI Mall) 主办一场室内狗狗领养会, 时间由当天上午十一时至下午六时, 目标是为近三十只无家狗狗寻找与他们的新主人。 除了狗狗领养活动, 当天现场也将会同时举行义卖T-Shirt 活动。 由Teesfactory特别赞助设计精美的限量版动物T-Shirt , 希望藉此筹款帮助更多流浪动物, 义卖金额全数将捐赠于PawsMission狗狗中途之家, 用于流浪动物各类医疗照顾,结扎,粮食等各种每日开销。。 同时我们也欢迎各界人士继续捐助~ 旧报纸,棉被,狗籠,狗飼料,狗罐頭。 PawsMission热切期待您的協助與加入讓更多无家狗狗受惠, 想為減少流浪動物盡一份力的各位 到时请记得一起前来支持我們。 在这里PawsMission 也要再次感谢 Teesfactory 的赞助与支持, 谢谢大家! *****************************************************************************************
Hi all, Paws Mission will be having another adoption drive scheduled on 29 August 2010 (Sunday) at the linkway, 1st floor of IOI Mall Puchong. The time is from 11 a.m. till 6 p.m.
Our target is to find a good and loving home for nearly 30 pups that is currently housed under the shed in Old Klang Road.
Apart from the adoption drive, we will be having a fund raising exercise. Kudos to Teesfactorywho has offered to sponsor its limited edition of special designed animal T-shirt!!
Teesfactory hope to take this opportunity to help to raise fund for more stray animals. All proceeds will go to Paws Mission half way home! The fund of Paws Mission is used for the maintenance of the shed, its daily expenses for the animals includes the food supply, medical expenses and also spaying and neutering of the rescued animals.
Whoever that is interested to contribute to the doggie shed are more than welcome, you may donate dog food, dry kibbles or wet canned food, old newspaper, rice, cages and etc. Last but not least, we welcome more helpers and volunteers in the shed, we need man power to help to do the daily cleaning , feeding work and transporting doggie to the vet or etc.
Please come and support us and meet our lovely and adorable doggies!!
Thank you all and once again,Paws Mission would like to express its heartfelt thanks to Teesfactory for sponsoring its “Good To See, Nice To Wear T”!!!
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