
The Sabah Wildlife Department, In Collaboration Wi..


The Sabah Wildlife Department, in collaboration with Earthworm Foundation and WWF-Malaysia, organised a camera trap training session, with WWF-Malaysia serving as trainers.

Held earlier this year, the training was attended by the Community Volunteer 7 Team Ulu Muanad Beluran and aimed to enhance the rangers’ skills in using camera traps. They were guided on properly utilising these tools for general wildlife monitoring, wildlife conflict monitoring, and surveillance of illegal hunting activities.

Camera traps are handy for ensuring the safety and protection of animals in the wild, particularly in places where human presence and intervention are limited or discouraged.

Tag: 5R Hidupan Liar

#wwfmy #SabahLandscapesProgramme #WildlifeProtection #WildlifeMonitoring #LivingLandscape

The Sabah Wildlife Department, in collaboration with Earthworm Foundation and WWF-Malaysia, organised a camera trap training session, with WWF-Malaysia serving as trainers.

Held earlier this year, the training was attended by the Community Volunteer 7 Team Ulu Muanad Beluran and aimed to enhance the rangers’ skills in using camera traps. They were guided on properly utilising these tools for general wildlife monitoring, wildlife conflict monitoring, and surveillance of illegal hunting activities.

Camera traps are handy for ensuring the safety and protection of animals in the wild, particularly in places where human presence and intervention are limited or discouraged.

Tag: 5R Hidupan Liar

#wwfmy #SabahLandscapesProgramme #WildlifeProtection #WildlifeMonitoring #LivingLandscape

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1056052823231802&set..



WWF Malaysia

WWF-Malaysia is a national conservation trust that currently runs conversation projects covering a diverse range of environmental protection & nature conservation in Malaysia. Our mission is to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.

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