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Baggy�s 2nd Day


We’ll start off this post with a related Cleo story first….

Right after I wrote the previous post on Baggy, I had to get ready the house for the interview. I did a headcount and one cat was missing – Cleo!

I searched all over Bunny’s Place and really, she was gone….

I went out to the road, look into the drains, up the roofs, she was no where to be found.

This was really, really bad timing because the interviewers would be coming soon.

Then, I made another thorough search of Bunny’s Place and…


�There you are!

And while the interview was going on, someone was up to mischief…



�The inspector is checking on the expiry dates of all their medicines?

�After the interview, I checked on Baggy and gave her some food. She ate, but not much.

But by then, it was getting hot, so I decided to bring her into the room.

�I put her into this box so that she would feel more secure.


�Everyone was very curious.

But Baggy must have been scared, so she hissed at everyone! No one hissed at her, though.

�I don’t know if I’m reading it right, but I think everyone wants to be friends with Baggy.

Perhaps the only one who is a little cautious or even antagonistic would be Cow. I couldn’t quite read his body language. I was a little worried Cow might want to attack Baggy, so I kept them at a safe distance.

�Bunny seems okay already BUT has started spraying…sigh.

�Tabs is just waiting to make friends.

�This is a new form of Duduk Bantah?
Duduk in the flower bed?



�Cow decided he wants the big box.

�Since Baggy was still scared, I decided to put her in this box (with lots of spy-holes) �and place her next to me.

�Indy seems fine too.

�Bunny wants to be friends already.

Baggy can look out of these holes so that she won’t feel so scared. At the same time, she feels protected in the box.

�You’ll be safe here. You stay with me.



�Duduk Bantah belum habis?

�Baggy felt safe in the box and fell asleep.

She wasn’t happy in the cage, she feels much safer in this box beside me.

�After a nap, I let her out to stretch, but closely monitored. The rest did not confront her, except Cow.

�Playing with the new feather I bought her. She did not want to eat, not even Cindy’s Recipe.

�I put some of this powder onto the food. My gang goes absolutely berserk over this treat (yes, even Cleo), but Baggy wasn’t the least bit interested.

�So, in she went back into her “Holey Box”.

Wanna play?

�It was dinner time and Baggy seemed interested in what was going on in the pantry. Earlier on, I forcefed her some wetfood. Now, since she showed some interest, I thought I’d try again.

�She’s eating! But wants to be handfed. Well, that’s good enough for now.

�She ate this much, which is good enough.
She is still on Vetri DMG twice a day. I syringe water into her mouth too.

�She jumped off from her Holey Box to explore a bit.

Slowly gaining confidence now.

�I think she is settling in now.

But I did not see any pee or poo. Hopefully, tomorrow.

Source: http://myanimalcare.org/2012/05/01/baggys-2nd-day/




AnimalCare is a registered society that promotes caregiving to street animals and helps in their neutering and medical needs. AnimalCare has a Medical Fund, Food Fund and Education Fund.

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