Aunty Susan. Aunty Susan10. Aunty Susan. Aunty Sus..
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独居的Aunty Susan以她的善良和坚定的心意,成为了当地流浪狗的守护者。她不仅收养了10只流浪狗,为它们提供了温暖的住所,还把这些狗狗视如己出,给予它们无尽的关爱和照顾. 对她而言,这些狗狗不仅是伴侣,更是生命中的光亮和慰藉.
Aunty Susan的善行并不仅限于家中的狗狗. 她每天风雨无阻地去喂养周围的流浪狗,尽管无法将它们全部收留,她仍然尽力为它们结扎,避免无辜的生命繁殖. 她的奉献精神让人钦佩,但也面临着巨大的挑战.
两个星期前,Aunty Susan的生活发生了意外. 政府的捕狗队将她喂养一只狗狗抓走,要求她缴纳RM500的罚款才能赎回. 尽管Aunty Susan尽了最大的努力与有关当局沟通,但仍面临着严重的经济压力.最终,她无奈地选择再收留一只新狗狗,现在她的家中已经有了10只狗狗. 照顾这十只狗狗所需的粮食费用成了一笔不小的开支.
然而,困境并未止步于此。刚刚被捕狗队救出的那只狗狗,第二天便出现了严重的健康问题——上吐下泻,甚至拉血。Aunty Susan的心中充满了忧虑,她知道这只狗狗急需兽医的帮助,但经济上的困难让她倍感压力。狗狗已经住院一个礼拜,医药费高达RM1500。这笔医药费对Aunty Susan而言,实在是一个沉重的负担.
为了帮助Aunty Susan度过难关,希望护生园决定发起筹款活动,集合大家的力量,为这只生病的狗狗筹集必要的医药费. 我们诚挚地呼吁每一个关心流浪动物的朋友,共同参与这次行动。你的每一份支持,不论大小,都将为Aunty Susan和她的狗狗们带来温暖和希望.
进行捐款,任何金额都将Aunty Susan的狗狗的康复起到关键作用.
Maybank 501208085710
Persatuan PErlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai
感谢你的关爱与支持。让我们共同努力,为Aunty Susan和她的狗狗们带来希望和帮助
Aunty Susan and Her Stray Dogs: Unselfish Love and Challenges
In a quiet town, the elderly Aunty Susan has become a guardian for local stray dogs with her kindness and steadfast spirit. She has not only taken in 10 stray dogs, providing them with a warm home, but also treats them as her own, giving them boundless care and affection. To her, these dogs are not just companions but also a source of light and comfort in her life.
Aunty Susan’s compassion extends beyond the dogs she has taken in. She braves all weather conditions to feed the stray dogs in her vicinity. Even though she cannot take them all in, she does her best to have them spayed or neutered to prevent unnecessary suffering. Her dedication is truly admirable, but she faces significant challenges.
Two weeks ago, Aunty Susan’s life took a turn for the worse. The government’s dog-catching team seized one of the dogs she was caring for, demanding an RM500 fine for its release. Despite her best efforts to communicate with the authorities, Aunty Susan remains under severe financial strain. As a result, she reluctantly took in another stray, bringing the total number of dogs in her home to 10. The cost of feeding these ten dogs has become a substantial expense.
Yet, the difficulties did not end there. The newly rescued dog started showing severe health issues the day after being taken in—vomiting, diarrhea, and even blood in its stool. Aunty Susan is deeply worried, knowing that this dog urgently needs veterinary care. However, the financial burden is overwhelming. The dog has been hospitalized for a week, and the medical bills have reached RM1500, a significant burden for Aunty Susan.
To help Aunty Susan through this challenging time, Hope Animal Sanctuary has decided to launch a fundraising campaign to gather the necessary funds for the dog’s medical expenses. We earnestly call on everyone who cares about stray animals to join this effort. Your support, no matter the amount, will bring warmth and hope to Aunty Susan and her dogs.
🩸 How to Help:
✅ Donate: Please visit
Hope Animal Sanctuary’s donation page to contribute. Every donation will play a crucial role in the recovery of Aunty Susan’s dog.
✅ Bank Transfer Donations:
Maybank 501208085710
Persatuan Perlindungan Dan Peliharaan Haiwan Terbiar Skudai
Donation receipts for tax purposes are available upon request.
Thank you for your compassion and support. Let’s come together to provide hope and relief for Aunty Susan and her beloved dogs.
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