No Dog Should Suffer As Klarharn Has. A Road Traff..
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No dog should suffer as Klarharn has😢.
A road traffic accident crushed his body, and we suspect that an autoimmune disorder has left him riddled with scabs and ulcers, made worse by a tick infestation💔.
This beautiful boy, has been receiving treatment in our hospital for several weeks. Veterinary Manager. Dr. Kate, has been overseeing his care,
💬 “[Klarharn] has multiple lesions on both legs and might need another surgery on his hip. He is undergoing physiotherapy several times a week and is on painkillers and joint supplements.”
Thankfully, his suspected autoimmune disorder, Pemphigus Foliaceus, can be managed with lifelong treatment.
These photos depict Klarharn when found and first days in our care. Treatment can be a very lengthy but necessary process for animals like him to live the life they deserve🏥❣️.
Will you stand by them along their healing journey? Please make your donation here:
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